Monday, 14 March 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Week!

I am, as my name might hint, a proud Irish girl (at least on my father's side).  I like St. Patrick's Day even more than I like Christmas, and I love wearing green.  I vainly think it brings out my eye colour.  So last year I decided that for me, a single day wasn't enough.  I was personally declaring St. Patrick's Week.
For Day 1 of St. Patrick's Week, I celebrated by sleeping till 9:43 when class starts at 10:10 and I live 15 minutes away IF I can get a ride.  Otherwise it's an hour's bus ride.  Fortunately my dad was able to drive me, so I tossed on my pre-planned outfit and did makeup in the car and only arrived 5 minutes late.  Brilliant!  This is why I plan outfits in advance, even if it is just jeans and a top: my appearance means a lot to me and I wouldn't like to sacrifice it due to my occasional carelessness!

I love this purple floral scarf with the bright green.  And I've already said but I love the tan shoes with the light blue jeans!
Usually I try to avoid the careless hairstyles so often found on univeristy campuses, but today I actually thought it looked kind of cute!  I hope so, anyway.

My neighbour's dog is scary!  

Again this week I'll be going downtown tomorrow and spending two nights.  This week the theme is clearly green, and there's an added complication - on Wednesday night I have a first date with a law student I met in the library last week.  His name is Patrick too, by coincidence.  We are going to dinner.  I am very excited and would like to look my best at the same time as wearing something that's "me".  So we shall what I come up with!


  1. Term of international law is used to refer the positions of crimes in any country or any free state.

  2. love your shoes. x

    p.s. I'm having a giveaway on my blog for a pretty ring from bobbins & bits if you'd like to check it out. :) x

  3. I have yet to plan my green outfit for Thursday. I love your shoes! You're gorgeous (:
